Steps to learn Blockchain

Ankit Raj
1 min readJan 8, 2018


Generalized way, for tech and non-tech folks:

  1. Read about Centralized vs Decentralized vs Distributed System. Each one has never ending debate on Pro’s and Cons.
  2. Read White paper of Bitcoin and Mastering Bitcoin. There you will get an idea that Bitcoin is one of the small application of Blockchain.
  3. While reading focus on UTXO’s, Merkle Tree, Digital Signature, internal transaction in Bitcoin, Anonymous vs Pseudonymous, Private key vs Public Key, Wallet ,Proof of Work.
  4. Dive in Ethereum. Learn about Proof of Stake, Why Ethereum, EVM, ETH clients. Use-cases of Dapps.
  5. Learn about Hyperledger too. It’s Linux Foundation Product made as an enterprise solution.
  6. Last but not least, keep yourself updated on social media, there are many new interesting products coming regularly.

For Coders/Developers and folks who wants to dig deeper:

  1. Learn about API integration for Bitcoin, Ethereum.
  2. Learn Solidity language. With Soildity you can make smart contract on Ethereum Platform.
  3. Learn the Deployment process through Kovan, Truffle, Ropsten.
  4. Make Dapps. Publish it on StateofDapps.
  5. Learn how to play with Hyperledger Composer.
  6. Explore different Project on Hyperledger.
  7. Read Quorum. A product for Financial service made on Ethereum Platform.

Also, I am curating relevant link/books on github. Feel free to send PR there.

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Bitcoin: 174EEtCm7PbG9MJ4JYVV9fgDuAhaj1SRCE

Ethereum: 0xe0217535e36d7bb3f018fd90fa538adbc3a1913a



Ankit Raj

Blockchain Engineer | Distributed system | Ex- Red Hat | Ethereum foundation grantee