Member-only story
This audit report highlights the overall security of the BU-ERC20 (BUMO ) smart contract. With this report, I have tried to ensure the reliability of the smart contract by completing the assessment of their system’s architecture and smart contract codebase.
Auditing approach and Methodologies applied
In this audit, I consider the following crucial features of the code.
- Whether the implementation of ERC 20 standards.
- Whether the code is secure.
- Whether the code meets the best coding practices.
- Whether the code meets the SWC Registry issue.
The audit has been performed according to the following procedure:
• Manual audit
- Inspecting the code line by line and revert the initial algorithms of the protocol and then compare them with the specification
- Manually analyzing the code for security vulnerabilities.
- Assessing the overall project structure, complexity & quality.
- Checking SWC Registry issues in the code.
- Unit testing by writing custom unit testing for each function.
- Checking whether all the libraries used in the code of the latest version.
- Analysis of security on-chain data.
- Analysis of the failure…